Friday, March 6, 2015

Making a film look Cinematic

This article talks about some important things for film makers to consider in order to create beautiful images. Some of these key elements are:

1. Composition: The camera placement and everything included in the frame are vital. Some films plan this meticulously in order to create the exact look they want to create for their film.  
-Stay away from flat shots, create depth by showing background.
-Move around and look for the best angles.
Example- "Consider the context of the shot. Are we sneaking around? Are we a shooting a teenage couple who have ran off and are sneaking back into the house? Well, maybe we should film between the bushes to give a sneaking feeling. Also ask yourself, if we want to make the figure powerful or weak. Use low or high angles to complement your answer."
-cotrol depth of feild to let viewers know what to look at.

2. Colors:
-colors build relationships between the characters and other aspects of the scene.
-Allow colors to match a scene or background.
-"something looks off when the colors of the character — including hair, eye color, skin tone and clothing — do not match the scene."
-Color relates to mood and character and theme. 

3. Lighting:
-Control the lighting as much as possible.
- Study lighting techniques.
-This is essential for creating the mood.

4. Music:
-"Don’t rely on the music to push the story. The story should be strong and come across that way even if the film was on mute."
-When the right music is added it can perfect a peice.
-Remember visuals are key, sound is secondary.
-Sound effects direct focus.
-Sounds should be emphasized to show what is happening in a scene.

These are some important things I will consider in the making of our short film.

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